Hello Friend!
We are so glad that you found us!


While our heritage and celebration style follows Lutheran traditions, our community is open to all because we truly believe that Jesus loves everyone and that our command from Jesus is to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. (Matthew 22:39). Come and see what we are about!

We Believe...

  • God purposely created you, knows your entire self and loves you exactly as you are.

  • To truly embrace Jesus’ message is to choose a lifestyle that unconditionally accepts all individuals, families, neighborhoods, and nations.

  • Jesus is always on the side of the accused, lost, lonely, abused, forgotten, marginalized, and those treated as collateral.

  • The hands, feet, minds, voices, and energy given to us are for Christ’s work here on earth. Talents and abilities are to be used in service to lift people up.

  • The earth is our home, a resource that has no equal, and God intended for us to be good stewards. Our actions and choices have impacts we may not envision, but we must strive to maintain and preserve the earth for everyone.


Reconciliation is defined as the rebuilding of our relationship with God and humanity that was broken because of misunderstandings, mistakes, or actions. We strive to live as reconciling people, humbly listening and learning from others in our community and world. We commit ourselves to build a culture where all are loved and where our unity is found in Christ.

As such, the term “Christian” is an active noun. Being a Christian means humbly learning, working, and walking in the way that we believe Christ is leading in love every day. On this journey toward reconciliation with Christ and each other, we must remember our human frailty.   We may stumble, and fall, but Christ’s Light and Perfect Love saves us from ourselves. This love is boundless, limitless, and beyond our human capability to truly understand.

We are Christ’s Living Hope working to reflect Christ’s Light and Love to all as we continue on this journey together.